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Your Guide To At Home Hair Straightening

Not every woman has smooth, naturally straight hair. A lot of women have waves or curls. While this can be great in some situations, it can be frustrating when you your locks to be poker straight.

Thankfully, there are plenty of options for at home hair straightening. If you read over these tips and techniques, you should be able to get beautifully straight hair in the comfort of your own home.

Flat Irons

One of the most popular methods of straightening is the flat iron. This is an iron that applies heat to your hair. As you run it over your tresses, it smooths and straightens them out.

Irons are easy to use, and they tend to get results. Most women are able to effective straighten their hair with an iron. In addition, the right kind of flat iron can used on hair while it is still wet.

Blow Dryer Brushes

Women that are looking for a salon blowout may not want to try a flat iron. Instead, they can try blow dryer brushes. These brushes combine a brush and a blow dryer into a single device. They allow women to style their hair using the same methods hairdressers do.

These brushes can be a little bit challenging to use, but once you get the hang of them, they can work fairly well. As an added bonus, brushes can add a lot of body to your hair.

Getting Rid Of The Frizz

If your hair has a serious frizz problem, you'll need to do more than use a straightener. You'll also have to invest in products that can fight the frizz.

In many cases, women get frizzy hair because they don't do anything to protect their hair before they straighten it. Applying a protective spray can really make a difference.

In other cases, women struggle with frizz because their locks aren't getting the moisture that they need. If this is true for you, a deep conditioning treatment should be very helpful.

If you have a serious frizz problem, you might want to try weekly hair treatments. Hair masks and hot oil treatments can be extremely effective.

Making Your Straight Hair Last

One of the biggest concerns that many women have is keeping their hair straight. After all, straightening your hair can take quite a bit of time. How can you make those results last?

Most women can get away with leaving their blowout for two to three days. Using dry shampoo can help get oil and any unpleasant smells out of the hair.

Women should put their hair up using a cloth-covered elastic band before they go to bed. That way, their hair won't get messed up against the pillow.

As you can see, home hair straightening isn't as complex as it might seem. Many women get beautiful straight hair in the comfort of their own homes, and you can do the same thing. Get the tools you need to keep your hair looking straight!


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